Shadowlawn Lake Shore Corporation

Are renters authorized as part of their rental agreement to use the beachfront community park ?
No. The Declaration of Restrictions recorded in the Book of Deeds in the Onondaga County Clerk's office by Shadowlawn Lake Shore Corporation does not allow use of the beachfront by renters.
Who is allowed to use the beachfront community park?
Access to the beachfront community area (known as "Tract D") is "restricted to owners of lots in the Shadowlawn Subdivision who are also shareholders of the Shadowlawn Lake Shore Corporation, their immediate family members, and in invited guests who are accompanied by the host owner)s) and shareholders."
Is membership in the homeowner's association compulsory or optional?
Membership is required for all lot owners. A new purchaser is liable for any unpaid dues and / or assessments standing on the books of the Corporation.
What are the annual dues?
In 2022, the annual dues are $400.00 to be paid by May 1, 2022.
Who maintains the beachfront community park?
Tract D is maintained by Shadowlawn with primary responsibility resting with the Chair of the Maintenance Committee
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